Old English

Al and Pauline Giles with Pete Cryer

Folk Singers of Traditional English Songs

Old English are based in the North East of England.

They have a wide repertoire of songs, arranged by Pete, for three voices, accompanied by a mixture of guitar, Northumbrian small pipes and whistle, along with percussion.

They regularly perform throughout the North East singing for charity groups, fund raising activities and special occasions. The venues range from concert stages and village halls, to churches and care homes.

They give concerts which include sets of songs, many of which are aimed at audience participation. Sometimes this becomes themed into a Northumbrian evening, when all the material belongs to the North East.

They have a presentation called PRESSED, which is a talk illustrated with songs of the time and a slide show, on the history of the Press Gang in the North East of England. They now have a sequel to this presentation called THE KING’S SHILLING, which is also a talk with songs of the time and a slide show, which gives a history of recruitment into the “Red Coat” Army with special references to the North East of England.

For more information see EVENTS.

Old English at Morpeth Methodist Church

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